
EverGreene Painting Studios
Oil on canvas

The map shows the central section of the continent to illustrate the effect of the Louisiana Purchase (1803), the Lewis and Clark expedition, and the opening of the West. Ohio is shown with the seven ranges, the grid system that was started in eastern Ohio and was then used to map out many of the boundaries and counties across the rest of the country. The border between Arkansas and Missouri, the 36.30 parallel, is prominent because it was the boundary between the slave states and free states. The route taken by Lewis and Clark appears at the north; also shown are parts of the Mormon Trail, the Oregon Trail, the Santa Fe Trail and the Emigrant Trail. On the edge of the map appear the names of Native American tribes that had been moved west.

About the Cox Corridors Murals

The first floor of the U.S. Capitol's House wing is elaborately decorated with wall and ceiling murals by artist Allyn Cox. The western north-south corridor, called the Westward Expansion corridor, includes maps and scenes showing the growth of the United States from early exploration through the acquisition of Alaska and Hawaii.